Daniel and the Lions Den Song Funny

Sunday School Lesson

Daniel in the Lions' Den

Daniel did not need God to rescue him from the mouths of the lions to learn that God is greater than any mighty beast or powerful king. He already knew! That's why he defied the king's decree and continued to pray to God 3 times a day. Use this story, games, and a craft telescope to teach kids about God's greatness! We must obey God no matter what because He loves and cares deeply about us.

Lesson Overview

Prepare kids for an exciting
learning journey.

Animals Blow Wind Blow

Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den 1

Use this variation of "Blow Wind Blow" to introduce the story of Daniel in the Lions' Den.

Show kids a video on the
Bible story.

Daniel in the Lions' Den

Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den 2

Daniel in the Lions' Den, by Saddleback Kids

Help kids remember the
Bible story.

Crossword Puzzle

Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den 3

Kids solve a crossword puzzle and tell the story of Daniel in the Lion's Den.

Help kids grasp
the big idea.

Daniel's Telescope

Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den 4

Make a retractable telescope to remind kids to always look and pray to God because God is greater than any mighty beast or powerful king!

Help kids live out
big idea.

Rowdy Retrieve

Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den 5

Blindfolded players try to ignore noisy distractions to stay focused on their teammates' instructions to retrieve crushed papers balls.

Send kids home with a concrete action plan and fun midweek activities.

Would You Rather…

Daniel in the Lions Den Take it Home-01

Would you obey God no matter what?

Big Idea

God is great! Greater than any mighty beast or powerful king!

Key Verse

God has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions. Daniel 6:27.

Live it Out

We must obey God no matter what.

This Sunday School Lesson requires some advance preparation. For a consolidated summary of preparation, supplies and free printables required, please scroll to the bottom of this lesson.

1. Get Them Curious – Animals Blow Wind Blow

Set up chairs in a circle, facing the center.
Set up as many chairs as there are players minus 1.
For example, for 10 players, you will need 9 chairs.
Alternatively, you can use anything that can mark the positions of each seat (for example: labels, masking tape, shoes, books).

How to Play
Ask everyone for their favorite animals.
As a group, agree on which animals to include in the game.
Write the names of these animals on a dry erase board.
Assign each player one animal (or allow them to choose).
There must be 2 or more players assigned to each animal.
For younger children, you may like to write the animal name on a sticker label or piece of masking tape and stick it on the player's shirt.
Ask one player to stand in the center of the circle and have everyone else sit on the chairs.
There should be just enough chairs for everyone except for the player in the center.
To start the game, the player in the center shouts, "Blow wind blow!"
The other players respond by shouting, "Blow what?"
The player in the center replies, "Blow all the ________." (one animal)
All the players who have been assigned that animal must quickly get up and move to a seat vacated by another player; the player in the center tries to get a seat. One player will be left without a seat. This player must now stand in the center of the circle and shout, "Blow wind blow!"…
You can end the game anytime.


  • Did you enjoy this game?
  • Can anyone guess the title of today's Bible story? (Hine: There's an animal in today's story)

Say: Let's watch a video on Daniel in the Lions' Den.

Pray: Dear God, thank you for our Animals Blow Wind Blow game! Please help us learn what this game has to do with today's lesson and teach us how you want us to live it out! In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

2. Screen Time – Daniel in the Lions' Den, by Saddleback Kids

This is our favorite YouTube video on Daniel in the Lions' Den: https://youtu.be/bEM_X25DWPk

3. Make it Stick – Crossword Puzzle

Remember to download and print the Daniel in the Lions' Den Crossword Puzzle in advance.

Daniel in the Lions Den Crossword Puzzle

You may also want to download and print 1 copy of the Daniel in the Lions' Den Crossword Puzzle Solution.

Daniel in the Lions Den Crossword Puzzle Solution

Discuss: What Bible story did we just watch?

Show Slide 1 (Sunday School Lesson Title & Bible Reference):
Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den Slide1

Say: Let's see if we can solve the Daniel in the Lions' Den Crossword Puzzle.

Divide into small groups.
(We suggest a group size of 3-5 kids. Groups can be larger, but smaller groups allow everyone to be involved.)

Give each group 1 copy of the Daniel in the Lions' Den Crossword Puzzle.

Have the kids work in groups to solve the crossword puzzle.

If the kids need help with the puzzle you may like to play the video a second time, or have them refer to their Bibles.

When all the groups are done, review the answers, one at a time, sequentially from 1 to 20.

With each answer, have the groups take turns to re-tell that part of the story in their own words.

(Encourage them not look at the clues.)

4. Dig Deeper – Daniel's Telescope

Remember to download Daniel's Telescope Printable and prepare all necessary materials in advance.

Daniels Telescope Printable


  • What did Daniel do 3 times a day?
  • Who did Daniel pray to?

Read Daniel 6:7.

Discuss: According to the king's new law, who could the people pray to for the next 30 days?

Read Exodus 20:1-6

Discuss: According to God's law, are God's people allowed to pray to anyone besides God?

Read Daniel 6:10


  • What did Daniel do when he learned about the king's new law?
  • Whose law did Daniel choose to obey?
  • Why do you think Daniel chose to obey God and not the king?


  • When Daniel was forced to choose between obeying the king's law or honoring God, Daniel chose to honor God.
  • Daniel knew that honoring God meant he would be thrown into the lions' den.
  • But Daniel was not afraid of the king or the lions. He continued to pray to God.
  • Let's make a telescope to remind ourselves to always look and pray to God!

Show kids a sample of Daniel's Telescope that you have made.

Daniel Telescope5

Say: Today we are going to make a telescope to remind ourselves to keep our eyes on God because God is great! Greater than any mighty beast or powerful king!

You will need for each child:

  • 1 set of Daniel's Telescope Printable (3 pages). You may like to print the 3 pages on 3 different colored paper.
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Double-sided foam tape

To make Daniel's Telescope:
1. Cut out the pieces along the black solid lines.

Daniel Telescope1

2. Apply a little glue on the grey section and carefully form the 3 separate segments of the telescope.
Daniel Telescope2

3. Place the "king" segment standing up.
Slide the "lion" segment over it.
Slide the "God is Greatest!" segment over them.

Daniel Telescope3

4. Paste double-sided foam tape on the squares marked by X , then paste down the long strips. These strips will act as stoppers to keep the segments of the telescope in place.

Daniel Telescope4

Have kids use their telescopes to look outside the windows.

Daniel Telescope5


  • Daniel was not afraid of the king or the lions, but he kept his eyes on God.
  • We must also keep our eyes on God and direct our prayers to Him.

Show Slide 2 (Big Idea):
Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den Slide2

Have everyone read the slide.

5. Walk the Talk – Rowdy Retrieve

Divide into teams of 3-6 players per team.
You will need at least 2 teams to play.

Place a bucket in the middle of the room.

Scatter crushed colored papers around the room.

  • Assign a different color for each team.
  • 3 pieces per team.

Blindfold one player from each team.
Their role is to pick up the team's colored papers (one at a time) and place them in the bucket.

The rest of the team must shout instructions to guide their blindfolded teammate while standing at the sides of the room.

They should also try to distract and confuse the other blindfolded players.

The first team to retrieve all their colored papers wins.


  • Did you enjoy this game?
  • What difficulties did you face in this game? Tell us more.
  • How many voices did you hear?
  • Did they all tell you to do the same thing?
  • How did you know which voice to follow?
  • In today's Bible story, the king announced a new law. Did Daniel obey this new law. Why or why not?


  • In today's game, there were many different voices speaking at the same time. You must follow the correct voice.
  • In today's Bible story, Daniel was a Jew living in Babylon and serving a foreign king. The king's law sometimes went against God's law, but Daniel chose to always obey God's law. As a result, Daniel was thrown into the lions' den. But let's read what happened when the king went to check on Daniel the next day…

Read Daniel 6:19-23

Discuss: Did the lions hurt Daniel? Why or why not?

Read Daniel 6:25-27


  • This passage that we just read was after God had rescued Daniel from the lions. What did King Darius say about God?
  • In verse 26, King Darius decreed that "in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel". What does this mean? How do you "fear and reverence" God?


  • The lions could not hurt Daniel because God sent his angel to shut the lions' mouths! God is great! Greater than any mighty beast or powerful king!
  • To "fear and reverence God" does not mean to be afraid of God. It means to trust that our great God can and wants to protect us from harm. We give God our highest respect because He is great! We obey God because we fully trust in Him.

Show Slide 2 again (Big Idea):
Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den Slide2

Show Slide 3 (Key Verse):
Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den Slide3

Have everyone read the slide.

Show Slide 4 (Live it Out):
Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den Slide4

Have everyone read the slide.

6. Take it Home – Would You Rather…

Say: Let's recall all that we have learned today. Can you remember the title of today's Bible Story?

Show Slide 1 again (Sunday School Lesson Title & Bible Reference):
Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den Slide1

Have everyone read the slide.

Say: Can you remember today's big idea?

Show Slide 2 again (Big Idea):
Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den Slide2

Have everyone read the slide.

Say: Can you remember today's key verse?

Show Slide 3 again (Key Verse):
Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den Slide3

Have everyone read the slide.

Say: How can we live out today's lesson?

Show Slide 4 again (Live it Out):
Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den Slide4

Have everyone read the slide.

Say: In today's story, Daniel knew that God is great! Greater than any mighty beast or powerful king! Daniel chose to obey God rather than the powerful king.


  • Do you believe that God is greater than any mighty beast or powerful king? Why or why not?
  • Do you believe that God loves you and wants the best for you? Tell us more.
  • Would you do what God tells you to do? Why or why not?
  • Have you ever had friends telling you to disobey God? Tell us more.
  • Have you ever been tempted to disobey God because nobody is looking? Tell us more.
  • Is it always easy to obey God?
  • What are some things that you find difficult to obey God in?


  •  Obeying God may be hard at times.
  • But God loves us and wants the best for us.
  • And God has given us the Holy Spirit to live inside us to help us follow God's directions.
  • We can pray and ask God to help us obey Him!
  • And we can ask our parents and friends to help us obey God.
  • God is great! Greater than any mighty beast or powerful king!
  • We must obey God no matter what.

Give each child a copy of Daniel in the Lions' Den Take it Home Handout, and Daniel in the Lions' Den Pop-up Card.

Daniel in the Lions Den Take it Home-01Daniel in the Lions Den Take it Home-02 Daniel in the Lions Den Pop-up Card


  • On the first page of the Take it Home Handout, let's write down 1 or 2 things that you find difficult to obey God in, and what you plan to do about them.
  • Then spend some time on your own praying about this.
  • The other pages are for you to do at home. Tell me next week about what you did at home!

Give everyone some time to write down their Live it Out action plan before ending the lesson with this closing prayer:

Pray: Dear Jesus, thank you for today's Bible lesson on Daniel in the Lions' Den. We worship you because you are great! You are greater that any mighty beast or powerful king! We know that you love and care deeply about us. Please help us to obey you no matter what! In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

Lesson Preparation and Supplies

Here's a summary of all the preparation, supplies and free printables required for this lesson.

Prepare kids for an exciting
learning journey.

Animals Blow Wind Blow

Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den 1

Use this variation of "Blow Wind Blow" to introduce the story of Daniel in the Lions' Den.

You will need:

  • Dry erase board, marker and eraser
  • Labels or masking tape
  • Pens or markers
  • Chairs (or anything that can mark the positions of each "seat")

Show kids a video on the
Bible story.

Daniel in the Lions' Den

Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den 2

Daniel in the Lions' Den, by Saddleback Kids

Ensure that you can play this YouTube video:
Daniel in the Lions' Den, by Saddleback Kids

(Video URL: https://youtu.be/bEM_X25DWPk)

Help kids remember the
Bible story.

Crossword Puzzle

Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den 3

Kids solve a crossword puzzle and tell the story of Daniel in the Lion's Den.

Help kids grasp
the big idea

Daniel's Telescope

Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den 4

Make a retractable telescope to remind kids to always look and pray to God because God is greater than any mighty beast or powerful king!

Download Daniel's Telescope Printable.

Daniels Telescope Printable

Make 1 Daniel's Telescope in advance.
(Follow the instructions in "Dig Deeper" section above.)
You will need to show kids your sample toy.

You will need for each child:

  • 1 set of Daniel's Telescope Printable (3 pages). You may like to print the 3 pages on 3 different colored paper.
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Double-sided foam tape

Download Slide 2 (Big Idea):
Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den Slide2

Help kids live out
the big idea

Rowdy Retrieve

Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den 5

Blindfolded players try to ignore noisy distractions to stay focused on their teammates' instructions to retrieve crushed papers balls.

You will need for this game:

  • 1 bucket
  • 3 pieces of Crushed Colored Paper per team (each team has a different color)
  • 1 Blindfold per team

Download Slide 3 (Key Verse):
Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den Slide3

Download Slide 4 (Live it Out):
Sunday School Lesson - Daniel in the Lions Den Slide4

Send kids home with a concrete action plan and fun midweek activities.

Would You Rather…

Daniel in the Lions Den Take it Home-01

Would you obey God no matter what?


Source: https://biblegamescentral.com/sunday-school-lessons/daniel-in-the-lions-den/

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