Orange County Ca Family Law Judge Franz Miller

Electric current Commission Members:

Sterling "Scott" Winchell

Commissioner Winchell was appointed past Chairman Andrew Exercise, Starting time District, at the March thirteen, 2018 Board of Supervisors meeting. The initial term for Commissioner Winchell was 2 (two) years. He is currently serving his second term that expires on June 22, 2023.

Commissioner Winchell is the Commission's Chair and a licensed attorney who currently practices in full general litigation. He served as corporate counsel for eleven years and was a trial attorney for vii years.

Commissioner Winchell received his Juris Physician Degree at Western Land University College of Law.

H. Josh Ji

H. Josh Ji was appointed by Chairwoman Michelle Steel, 2d District, at the Baronial 22, 2017, Board of Supervisors meeting. The initial term for Commissioner Ji was two (ii) years. He is currently serving his 2nd term that expires on August 21, 2022.

Commissioner Ji is an associate at Latham and Watkins . He represents clients in complex litigation and regulatory matters within the financial services industry and has all-encompassing experience handling a wide range of cases—including commercial, intellectual property, and securities matters. Commissioner Ji besides maintains a potent pro bono do, serves on the Orangish Canton Bar Association ("OCBA") Lath of Directors, the OCBA International Law Section as Secretary & Treasurer, and the Orange Canton Korean American Bar Association as President.

Commissioner Ji received his undergraduate caste at the University of California, Riverside and received his law caste from the Academy of California, Irvine School of Police.

William Halle

Commissioner William Halle was appointed by Supervisor Don Wagner, Third Commune, at the November 2, 2021 Lath of Supervisors meeting. He is currently serving his first term that expires on November 1, 2024.

Commissioner Halle is a commercial litigator. His practice focuses in the areas of land use, real estate, employment and commercial litigation. His trial and appellate experience includes a wide range of business organisation-related disputes earlier administrative and public agencies, arbitration panels, state courts, federal courts and bankruptcy courts.

In improver to being a litigator, Commissioner Halle served every bit an executive member of the Board of Directors for the National Down's syndrome Society from 2004 through 2010, and as the President of Down Syndrome Association of Orange County during his tenure from 2000 through 2008.

Commissioner Halle received his Bachelor of Arts from University of California, Los Angeles, and his J.D. from Academy of Michigan Police force School.

Estimate Franz Miller (ret.)

Honorable Judge Franz Miller (retired) was appointed past Supervisor Chaffee, Fourth District, at the September 29, 2020 Board of Supervisors meeting. He is currently serving his kickoff term that expires on September 28, 2023.

Commissioner Miller is currently an associate at JAMS Mediation, Mediation and ADR Services. He had xvi years of service on the Orange County Superior Court. His tenure at the courtroom was equally divided between the Family unit Law Console and the Civil Constabulary Panel, where he was supervising judge during the terminal two years of that consignment. Prior to beingness appointed to the bench Commissioner Miller was a senior staff attorney at the Court of Appeal. He also taught at local police force schools as an adjunct professor for over 20 years.

During his legal career, Commissioner Miller was very active in the Orange Canton legal customs, serving as president of the Orange County Bar Association in 1997, and in his local customs, where he was a planning commissioner.

Commissioner Miller received his Available of Arts from the University of California, Los Angeles and his J.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law.

About the Commission:

The Commission shall consist of five (five) appointed members. Appointments to the Committee shall be made by each Board Commune and confirmed by a majority vote of the Board of Supervisors. Commissioners shall serve 3-year terms which shall exist staggered. The initial Commissioners shall be appointed to terms of one, two and three years respectively. Two of the initial Commissioners shall exist selected by random lot to serve a 3-twelvemonth term; two Commissioners shall be selected by random lot to serve a 2-yr term; and one initial Commissioner shall be selected to serve a one-year term. Thereafter, all Commissioners shall serve a term of iii years, except that members selected to make full a vacancy caused by other than the regular expiration of a term shall serve only for the residual of that term. The terms of the initial commission members tin can be viewed here: Terms for members of the Campaign Finance and Ideals Commission.

Commissioners may not serve more than than 2 full terms. A full term shall exist divers as a remaining term of 548 days or more. No fellow member who has served two terms shall be eligible for reappointment. A Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Commission shall exist selected by bulk vote of the members of the Committee. The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall each exist elected for a ane-year term and may exist re-elected for not more than a 2nd one-year term.

The Commission shall have responsibility for the impartial and effective assistants and implementation of the provisions of the County Campaign Reform Ordinance, Lobbyist Registration and Reporting Ordinance, the Souvenir Ban Ordinance and Sections vi and ix of the Code of Ethics.

Specifically, the Commission shall have the post-obit duties, powers, and responsibilities:

  1. Still anything herein to the contrary, the Commission shall only have jurisdiction over alleged violations by a person of the County Campaign Reform Ordinance, the Lobbyist Registration and Reporting Ordinance, the Gift Ban Ordinance and Sections 6 and nine of the Code of Ideals.

  2. The Commission shall serve as the appellate body for Statement of Decisions.

  3. The Commission shall review the Executive Director'southward quarterly reports of activity before submission to the Board of Supervisors.

  4. The Commission shall review the Executive Director's annual training plan and manual earlier submission to the Board of Supervisors.

  5. The Chair of the Commission shall prepare an almanac report summarizing Commission activities. This study shall exist reviewed and canonical by a majority vote of the Commission and presented to Lath of Supervisors every bit an agenda item at a regularly scheduled Board coming together.

  6. A Commissioner shall not initiate, permit, or consider ex parte communications, that is, whatever communications to or from the Commissioner outside the presence of the parties apropos a pending or impending investigation, enforcement proceeding, or appeal, and shall make reasonable efforts to avoid such communications.

Qualifications of Commissioners

  1. Each Commissioner shall be a registered voter of the Canton.

  2. During his or her tenure, a member of the Commission and the Executive Director may not hold an elected or appointed public office, including, without limitation, any constituent office in any jurisdiction and shall non be an employee of any holder of an elected or appointed public part, whatsoever fellow member of a public body whose members are appointed past an elected official, or any employee of such public body.

  3. If a Commissioner, during their term of role, desires to participate in the campaign of, or publicly support or oppose, a County Candidate or Elective County Officer, such Commissioner shall first resign from the Commission. Failure to resign before such participation or support shall be grounds for removal from the Committee.

  4. No Commissioner shall during their term as Commissioner or during the previous ten (10) years prior to their commencement of their term use or be employed by a person who is interim as a County Lobbyist, as that term is divers in the County Lobbyist Registration and Reporting Ordinance or have been a registered Country Lobbyist or Federal Lobbyist.

  5. No Commissioner shall have been, during the previous ten (10) years, an Elective County Officeholder, a County Agency/Department Head, or a County Executive Managing director.

  6. No Commissioners shall have been, during the previous ten (10) years, an elected or appointed official of a national, state or local partisan political (key) committee.

  7. A person who has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving dishonesty, untruthfulness, or whatsoever crime involving an election law violation is disqualified from serving as a Commissioner.

  8. No person may serve as a Commissioner whose profession, occupation, or employment consist of (i) providing services to candidates for public office or to elected officials within the County of Orange; (ii) engaging in public affairs or legislative liaison services for an employer doing business with the Canton of Orange, or with any Joint Powers Authorization or with whatever Special District operating inside the County of Orange; and (iii) employment within the past x (10) years with the County of Orange, or with any Joint Powers Authority or with whatever Special District operating within Orange County, or with any employee representative organization whose members are employees of the County of Orange.

  9. No Commissioner who has served on the Orange Canton Grand Jury may serve on the Committee for x (ten) years from the date of this article's enactment.

  10. No person who proposed, sponsored or co-sponsored the measure establishing the Commission may serve on the Commission for 10 (10) years from the date of this article's enactment.

Removal of Commissioners

Commissioners may be removed for substantial fail of duty, misconduct in office, disability to discharge the powers and duties of the office or violation of the provisions of this commodity. A Commissioner who is the bailiwick of a removal proceeding will exist given an opportunity to address the Committee at a public hearing later written notice of the grounds on which the removal is sought and an opportunity for the Commissioner to present his or her instance against removal to the Commission. If the Committee votes in favor of removal, the Committee will recommend to the Lath of Supervisors that the discipline Commissioner be removed. Upon recommendation of the Committee, the Board of Supervisors may remove a Commissioner by a majority vote. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, if the Commission fails to hold a removal hearing equally described in this section, the Board of Supervisors may, past a four-fifths vote, remove a Commissioner at whatever fourth dimension, with or without crusade.

Compensation; Expenses

The members of the Commission shall serve without bounty and shall exist reimbursed for travel and other expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties in accordance with Board of Supervisors policy, as amended from time to time.

Apply to be a commissioner:

If you meet the 10 qualifications to be a Commissioners please fill out the post-obit course here.

Pursuant to the County of Orange Language Access Policy, the Office of Campaign Finance and Ethics Committee will provide critical program documents and information in the most prevalent languages spoken in the County as adamant by the most recent United States Census. Delight contact the Function with the asking via phone 714-645-3844 or email The documents volition be provided via email as before long as practicable.


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